Abby Christensen

Abby Christensen

Co-Founder, Teardrop Tap
  • Abby Christensen and Madison Page co-founded Teardrop Tap, a mobile tap service for events.
  • The idea sparked from their love of hosting and turned into a camper-to-tap business.
  • They aim to franchise Teardrop Tap, offering a fun, unique experience at celebrations.
  • Patience has been challenging, but their solid business plan and creativity drive success.

Who are you and what do you do?

Abby Christensen and Madison Page. We are the Co-Founders and Owners of Teardrop Tap. Teardrop Tap is a Minneapolis-St. Paul Metro Area based traveling tap for all your events and celebrations! We met at University of Wisconsin - Stout at a party and became instant best friends. So it only makes sense we created this business, right?

Abby is a born and raised Wisconsin girl living in Minnesota. Football season - need she say more? When she is not focusing on Teardrop Tap, she is working full time as a Buyer in the Beauty Industry. Madison is a native Minnesotan and avid snowboarder that will literally pray for snow. When she is not focusing on Teardrop Tap, she is working full time as a Product Marketing Manager in the Bath and Body Industry.

What did it take / how did you get started?

Madison and I love to host parties and backyard sand volleyball days with friends and family. One day we were talking and joking around that we could do "traveling fun" and then we both had a light bulb go off at the same time. We looked at each like, "Wait a minute... we for sure could!" We brainstormed for hours thinking of different ways to be creative and unique until we landed on converting a camper into a traveling tap. Tap on wheels?! Now that's traveling fun! Madison's husband overheard us talking and offered to build us one on the spot. Under one condition, we had to create a business plan so he knew we were serious about it. Madison and I instantly got to work. Not only did we create a business plan - we designed the tap, created a brand and did our market research from events to venues to pricing to the endless opportunities on where we could take this. After that we presented our plans to Madison's husband and he loved it... And the rest is history.

What does the future look like for you and your hustle? 

We would love to franchise our business and consult those who want to own their own mobile tap.

What drives / motivates you?

Our business was based on the idea of having fun. We want to create a fun, unique, and memorable experience at any event or celebration!

What advice would you give someone interested in doing what you do?

Before you start, have a solid business plan and vision. Be prepared to hit some roadblocks but that's your time to think outside the box and get creative! You can do it!

What has been the hardest part of the hustle? 

Being patient. We were so excited to nail down our business plan and design the tap but there are only so many hours in the day!

What are a few resources that you'd recommend? 

Fun fact: we aren't ones to pick up a book or listen to podcasts.


Side or full-time hustle?

Teardrop Tap is our side hustle for now. 

List the founders

Abby Christensen and Madison Page, Co-Founders and Owners.

How many hours a week do you work on this hustle?

We each work about 20-35 hours a week on Teardrop Tap.

# of Employees?

Just us and Madison's husband, Louie, who helps with maintenance of the taps.

When did you start?

The idea came to us in November 2019, launched the business in August 2020.

How much did it cost to launch?

More than we thought.

What were your funding methods and ballpark amount raised?

We self funded our business without taking out a loan or raising money.

Annual Revenue?

Not disclosed.

Projected Revenue?

Not disclosed.

Any call to action?

We would love to partner with local businesses in the Minneapolis-St. Paul Metro Area!