Joe Herbert

Joe Herbert


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The goal of Hardly Hustle is to provide inspiration, drive and motivation in a 10 minute read or less. What you see is what you get. This is hot off the press without an editing team.

Joe Herbert is up.

Who are you and what do you do?
My name is Joe Herbert. I am a real estate and business entreprenuer.

What is your business advantage?
Self-made from years of failures and success. I watch hundreds of hours of YouTube content on self-improvement, business, wealth-building, and entrepreneurial thinking. I love teaching other people how to change their mindset and pursue financial and personal freedom.

What drives/motivates you to keep scaling your business?
I love money, business, and real estate. I love helping other people. I love philanthropy. I love a high level of personal freedom.

What advice would you give someone interested in getting to where you are?
Start consuming everything you can find on mindset and personal improvement. It all starts with the right mindset. Stop watching Netflix and playing fantasy sports. Get serious about what you want out of life, set goals, and start working for it.

What has been the hardest part of running your business and scaling it to where it is?
Finding the right team members.

What are 3 things you would say have contributed to your success the most?
Work ethic Finding Personal improvement content. Always investing in myself.

Who or what has helped you the most in your journey so far?

  • Earl Nightingale
  • Jim Rohn
  • Zig Ziglar
  • Eric Thomas
  • Les Brown
  • Patrick Bet
  • David Tom Bilyeu
  • Joining mastermind groups

Are there any "musts" you have on a daily basis?

  • Good sleep
  • Clean food
  • Exercise
  • Being around the right people

What mindset shifts were required to achieve the success you've experienced?
A total mindset shift. I grew up with a severe scarcity, negative mindset. I had to delete it and rebuild my mindset from scratch. I deleted a lot of bad people and bad habits. I become a self-education junkie.

What are a few resources that you'd recommend?

My book on the 6 Life Assets. It is called Get Rich in 5 Hours. It is on Amazon. We are in the process of rebranding it. I like Contrarian Thinking, Valuetainment, Impact Theory, and


List the founders
Joe Herbert

How many hours a week do you work on this hustle?
I work a total of 60 hours a week in my Real Estate brokerage, on my rental property portfolio and

# of Employees?

How much did it cost to launch?

How much have you raised?
Nothing yet. I am focused on publishing free content to the platform.

Annual revenue?
Not provided.

Projected revenue?
Not provided.

Any call to action?
I always need talent on the product creation, social media, video and podcast editing areas. I would love to find a great online business coach.