Laura Allen

Laura Allen

Laura Allen, Coach

I was 28 at the time and thought if I only had 30 years left of my life, I didn't want to spend it being miserable and working for someone else.

Who are you and what do you do?

Laura Allen - Coach focusing on helping people achieve their career and business goals so they can have an enriched life. I work 1-1 with professionals and business owners to overcome the limitations of their mind, expand their consciousness and get what it is that they want without the overwhelm. I am an eft practitioner and that is my secret weapon to helping people rewire their brain for success (and mine).

What did it take/how did you get started?

My story started back in 2019. I was deeply unhappy in my HR career (I was head of HR Shared Services for a FTSE 100) and it led me to burnout and a mental health breakdown. I ended up in therapy and just as I started to feel confident to make a change, covid hit and my mum got diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She died in the October of 2020 aged 61 and it turned my world upside down. I was 28 at the time and thought if I only had 30 years left of my life, I didn't want to spend it being miserable and working for someone else.

I had no idea what I wanted to do and I was riddled with self limiting beliefs about only being able to work in HR and a 9-5. In October of 2021, I took a 2 month sabbatical from work and went to costa rica. It was the breakaway and seeing people working from the beach on their laptops that opened my eyes to a different world of work. When I came back from the trip I spent 4 months asking the universe for an answer as to what I should do and eventually coaching came to me. That was the start of my journey.

I am deeply passionate about helping others, it's what I am good at. I am an empath, I am compassionate but I am also extremely organized and solution orientated so being a coach and helping people made sense. I did my qualifications and then embarked on starting a business. It was really scary, whilst I have no dependents relying on me, I also have no one to fall back on if it goes wrong (ain't no one paying mortgage and bills lol). I started building my brand and trying to see what type of service I wanted to provide to others.

Naturally, people started gravitating towards me based on my own journey and my business was born. In july 2023 I officially walked away from my full time corporate job and have been coaching ever since. I have had months of intense stress thinking I would need to go back to corporate and I have had months celebrating making £10k and working from abroad. It's a rollercoaster but I stay grounded to my gift which is the ability to help others and that keep me going.

What does the future look like for you and your business?

I plan on continuing coaching for the foreseeable and increasing my usage of EFT Tapping. I will be building on my knowledge of neuroscience by starting a Masters in January 2024. For me, expertise is one of my values so I want to increase my understanding and expertise in this industry which also helps my credibility and ability to serve clients.

What drives / motivates you on a daily basis?

Creating impact. Seeing people move forward. Freedom for me personally to travel and experience more of the world before it's too late.

What advice would you give someone interested in doing what you do?

Get clear on why you want to do it and what sort life style this business will give you. Make sure you have the right training, invest in support from people who have already done what you want to do and been successful. Don't struggle alone, be patient an make sure you have a financial buffer!

What has been the hardest part of your business journey?

Patients... expecting instant results ie clients wanting to work with me after 2 posts online. Finding a niche I want to stick to. I am broad in who I help and I enjoy that variety but it makes it difficult to market. Also having 20,000 people telling you different things and always trying to sell you their blueprint

How have you managed burnout thus far?

Good question! I definitely had a few weeks where I wasn't functioning very well and I recognized that. I realized I was doing too many things that didn't matter. I now make sure I have core tasks and I only manage 1 extra project at a time. Making sure I digitally detox at the weekends is also really helpful

What are a few resources that you'd recommend?

Ben Hardy 10x is easier than 2 x. Book, The 4 Hour Work Week and the Untethered Soul.

My two coaches and their free content... For linkedin - Xhoni Mimillari and running a coaching business - Joel Burgess


List the founders

Laura Allen

How many hours a week do you work on this hustle?


# of Employees?


When did you start?

September 2022 part time, July 2023 full time

How much did it cost to launch?

I invested over 25k in courses, coaches, set up tech etc

What were your funding methods and ballpark amount raised?

Self-funded, grants, pitch competitions. $50k

Annual revenue?


Projected revenue?


What's the #1 thing you need right now?

To keep going