Robert Nathanson

Robert Nathanson

  • Founded companies improving daily life, including a $3.5B venture and a recent startup.
  • Emphasizes curiosity, efficiency, and being first to market with better solutions.
  • Stresses innovation, adapting to challenges, and listening to customer feedback.
  • Key struggles include trusting external partners and managing potential burnout.

Who are you and what do you do?

Robert Nathanson and I enjoy creating companies that makes living in today’s world easier and more effluent. Especially if I use them (product or service) everyday! From spending money digitally (digital wallet) to buying farm fresh groceries easier (online Farmers Market) and the latest venture, keeping my phone always charged while staying healthy (Sanitizing & Charging Power Bank). First Compnay IPO’d in 2021 while the other now has a valuation of $3.5B and the latest is building more equity every day!

What did it take/how did you get started?

It takes a lot of curiosity and once I figured out if it was possible I got to work and connected the dots. You’d be surprised on how many people can help you find answers or resources in a short period of time. Then again the best way always is to figure it out yourself or learn quickly. Most things / services exist today, but are they run efficiently and cost effectively?

That’s the question.

Or you invent it and make sure it’s better than anything else on the market today. Most likely it’s being made somewhere else. Key is to get it to market before anyone else. First to market is so important, and don’t worry, you can always improve it as you go along. Facebook was nothing like it is today when it first launched in 2004. You must always learn from your mistakes and learn to bend or navigate the challenges and make the necessary changes.

Today’s products and services are always improving. Always. In some instances, all it takes is money while other times it takes determination and hard work. If it’s that easy, everybody would be doing it. Understand that it always takes more time than you think and often times, more money.

What does the future look like for you and your business?

The future looks good as everyone will always need more power to their portable devices including their phones and staying healthy is a constant event we all want to enjoy as long as possible.

What drives / motivates you on a daily basis?

What drives and motivates me is making a service or product that is needed in everyday uses while enjoyed by the masses. The feeling I get when someone says to me, “Now that is genius” or “I love this and use it every day” is what really completes the drive and motivation as we all want the validation at the end of the day. I love what it do and that is everything.

What advice would you give someone interested in doing what you do?

Work hard and have a very high standard of integrity and then do what others aren’t willing to do or sacrifice. Never give up, but know when the time to pivot is. That’s key. Too many people try doing the same thing over and over again and never learn when it’s time to, either change direction or work on something new. Lastly, I would say, it’s always going to take more time and often times, more money.

What has been the hardest part of your business journey?

Trusting people outside of your control. For example, there are lots of moving parts and I can’t be in two places at the same time. Working with people you trust and have an existing relationship with is so important and crucial to any business.

I also believe one of the most important aspects of a business being successful is: Management. If you can successfully manage people and make sure everyone is doing their job and doing it well, the success rate will go up expediently.

How have you managed burnout thus far?

You can be laser focused and have all the passion behind your company and/or product and one still can burnout easily. Having successful launches and building up momentum makes it easier not to burnout. I try to always be innovative and add value to the company and products I am working on. This allows for more advancement and newer technologies. Lastly, I would say, “always be thinking ahead” and “listen to your customers” as they are the buyers and end users.

What are a few resources that you'd recommend?

I love the podcast on Spotify called “Acquired” as the narrators tell stories of how companies started and how they got to where they are today. Now I am listening to the story behind Howard Schultz, former CEO with Starbucks and it’s fascinating. I recommend everyone listen to these.


List the founders

Robert Nathanson

How many hours a week do you work on this hustle?


# of Employees?
Previous Co: >1000 New Co: 1

When did you start?


How much did it cost to launch?


What were your funding methods and ballpark amount raised?


Annual revenue?


Projected revenue?

Not provided.

What's the #1 thing you need right now?

Customers are always #1