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Jordan Glickman

Updated: Nov 12, 2022

The goal of Hardly Hustle is to provide inspiration, drive and motivation in a 10 minute read or less. What you see is what you get. This is hot off the press without an editing team.

Jordan Glickman is up.

Jordan Glickman

Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Jordan Glickman and I’m a 25 year old internet entrepreneur. I’ve had a couple of hustles that have led to where I am today. Two of which were an online personal training business and an aerial videography business. These eventually lead to me starting a traditional online marketing agency. I started the business officially while I was in the Philippines in 2018 and have since grown and run the business remotely for the last 3 years. We’re now in the process of moving from a traditional agency model to an online micro private equity model in parallel to our traditional performance marketing agency services.

What did it take / how did you get started?

Getting started was easy and hard. I made the decision to get started and took the first steps in doing so which for me was easy. Figuring out how to sell people without prior results, building a team, managing culture, retaining clients, driving results, managing marketing, sales, finances, etc (what seemed like then) was the hard part. Of course with hindsight it became much easier. I started this business with two main ideas in mind. It would help produce consistent income which I at the time wasn’t aware of how to do via an Aerial Videography business and would also position me to do something greater given the team I would build and people I would meet. (That bigger thing is now acquisition entrepreneurship.)

What does the future look like for you and your hustle?

As the agency is doing well and something I likely could scale to 7 figures, it's not what I want to do at this time. My future goals is turning the competent team I’ve built into a team that will support me in buying online assets, managing, scaling and ultimately selling them.

What drives / motivates you?

Like most entrepreneurs, I’m partially driven by money which is a direct correlation to the financial freedom most of us seek at the end of the day. This ultimately is a tie to being able to have freedom in general, the freedom to make your own decisions and make the most of life. More specifically, I’m motivated by overcoming challenges (business is a game or a puzzle if you will, in my eyes), providing jobs and supporting others – the fulfillment of it all as a whole motivates me every day. It's the journey and bigger picture that keeps me going every day. I love this sh*t.

What advice would you give someone interested in doing what you do?

Results and performance are all that matter at the end of the day. If you cannot get results for clients, consistently, you don’t and won’t have an agency. 90% of the reason our business has grown is because of referrals from a great experience and results. Without getting results and providing a killer experience, this business won’t grow (well at least not easily or integrally).

What has been the hardest part of the hustle?

I’m not sure if there has been a hardest part. Maybe it was breaking the first $5,000 a month consistently but otherwise it’s all in phases. Learning how to sell, how to market, product development, hiring, managing people, building a team, building relationships… it’s all ‘hard’ but that’s what makes this so fulfilling isn’t it? Overcoming these challenges and making a name for yourself, creating your own legacy.

What are a few resources that you'd recommend?

I’ll biasedly recommend Hustle culture. I’ve come to the conclusion that finding people that have made it is ‘easy’ but what about the people that are going through the hustle right now? People that are making the wins weekly and monthly and going through it right now. Wouldn’t they be more relatable and also likely able to relate to or share or provide more helpful advice on things other people trying to find ‘success’ need current guidance on? Most of my mentors that have broken the 7, 8 or 9 figure seal are incredible people but not always the easiest to get relevant advice from. With that said, I'm documenting my journey on my Podcast called Hustle Culture w/ Jordan Glickman that also encompasses other entrepreneurs journey’s on how they got to where they did, built what they have and so much more.


Side or full-time hustle?

Impremis Marketing is my full time hustle.

List the founders

Me, myself and I. I initially had a partner but I bought him out and we split ways at the 14 month mark.

How many hours a week do you work on this hustle?

I work full time and it goes in phases, as does many businesses. When we’re bringing on new staff or clients it typically requires more of my time. I could end up working 16 hour days consistently. In our less time intensive months it could only require 4-5 hour days from me.

# of Employees?

Not including myself, I have roughly 6 full time and 5 part time.

When did you start?

Launched to the world, January 1st 2018.

How much did it cost to launch?

About $2,000 USD and a huge amount of time. This business was largely and is largely operated on selling time, hence the newer model which will be more capital intensive.

What were your funding methods and ballpark amount raised?

Previous hustles.

Annual Revenue?

Not provided.

Projected Revenue?

More than the current, although our goals are no longer revenue but a successful model transition that will lead to a net 7 figure SDE.

Any call to action?

We’re looking for anyone looking to sell their online business, looking for a marketing partner if they feel marketing is their bottleneck in their business or need/want capital for their online business. All opportunities for working with us as a managing partner or selling your business can be found here.


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